First Electrical Services Limited

Areas Covered
Sutton Coldfield
All surrounding areas
Pat Testing

Pat Testing
It is a requirement by law to maintain a safe electrical installation, this includes the fixed wiring and the appliances attached to the installation. The ways to do this are
EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) for the fixed wiring carried out by a registered electrician with the necessary qualification to carry out the testing (City & Guilds 2391)
PAT Testing (Portable Appliance Testing) is a test carried out by a competent person all portable equipment, basically anything you can plug into a wall socket
How often should equipment be PAT Tested
Offices Shops & Hotels Class 1 equipment including stationary and IT equipment should be tested every 48 months. Moveable equipment such as extension leads and portable equipment should be tested every 24 months. Handheld equipment should be tested every 12 months.
Schools All Class 1 equipment in schools should be PAT tested every 12 months. Class 2 equipment should be tested every 48 months.
Public Use Equipment Stationary and IT equipment such as computers should be tested every 12 months. Moveable, Portable and Handheld equipment falling into Class 2 should be tested every 12 months. Moveable, Portable and Handheld equipment falling into Class 1 should be tested every 6 months.